Cliffhanger Puzzle
Puzzle size: 16 x 30 in.
756 pieces
Cliffhanger, Jeff Fetty, 2019
Gravely-Lester Art Garden
Photo by Rocky Wall
Cliffhanger is an horticulturally accurate rendering of a cliffhanger daffodil, commissioned by local businessman Will Pannill in memory of his father, Bill “DaffyBill” Pannill. A Martinsville native, Bill was a businessman, textile industry executive, amateur botanist and noted daffodil hybridizer. During his life, he hybridized, named and registered 210 new varieties of daffodils. He was a former president of both the American Daffodil Society and the American Horticultural Society. He also founded the Horticulture Society of South Florida. Bill’s love and knowledge of daffodils led him to be known as the “World’s Greatest Authority on Daffodils.” Although he was an amateur botanist, his bulbs are grown by the acre in Holland and sold all over the world. Made of forged steel, Cliffhanger stands 10 ft. high and weighs in at 500 lbs. Special thanks to the Piedmont Arts Guild.
All purchases must be picked up at the museum.
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Historic Little Post Office Puzzle
Puzzle size: 16 x 30 in.
756 pieces
Historic Little Post Office
Gravely-Lester Art Garden
Photo by Pam Allen
Founded in 1893, Piedmont Arts’ Historic Little Post Office played a critical role in the expansion of the United States postal service’s Star Route, when it was operated as a contract post office (1893 – 1917) by John B. Anglin. Located in the heart of Martinsville’s Arts & Cultural District, the small, gable-front building is lushly detailed in the Queen Anne Style, with beautiful ironwork and an original stained glass door. In addition the the Historic Little Post Office, this puzzle also features the sculptures Lovework by Jessie Ward and Giving Tree by Jeremy Stollings. Special thanks to the Piedmont Arts Guild.
All purchases must be picked up at the museum.
Currently out of stock.