Sponsored by Jill and Jay Dickens, Anne and Eric Smith, Barbara and Guy Stanley, King's Grant, Books and Crannies and Lynwood Artists
Asheville Printmakers is an independent alliance of artists working out of the Asheville, NC area, who express themselves through the medium of print. The group's work encompass a wide range of processes and content, from traditional to experimental and classic to contemporary. Their printing methods vary from relief printing such as woodblock, linocut, and wood engraving, to intaglio methods such as drypoint, etching, collagraph and photogravure. Some use alternative photographic printing processes such as platinum-palladium and gum biochromate; others employ monotype and variable editions in their work. A common thread is a hands-on involvement in making prints.
Featuring work by Bobbi Allen, Dona D. Barnett, Bette Bates, Anne Battram, Bridget Benton, Anne Bessac, Lisa Blackburn, Kristalyn Bunyan, Laurie Corral, Georgia Deal, Gwen Diehn, Claudia Dunaway, Lisa June Eames, Casey Engel, Martha Ensign Johnson, Maria Epes, Sheryl Gruenig, Clay Harmon, Heather Hietala, Dave Ladendorf, Carol Lawrence, Denise Markbreit, Lauren Miko, Angela Modzelewski, Martha Oatway, Lynn Allison Starun, Jo A. Taylor, Jessica C. White, Chris Whiteman and Ani Volkan.